Un Institut interdisciplinaire de recherche et de formation en neurosciences
A NeuroStra conference by Dean BUONOMANO, 25 Oct. 2022
to develop a project in line with the NeuroPain priority axis
NeuroStra co-finances (50%) the contract of a PhD student working on an interdisciplinary project. This...
[Click to download] UMR7199 – Team “Ion Channel Engineering” led by Thomas Grutter, Illkirch, France
At UMRS_1112, CRBS Strasbourg
Élucider le rôle des anomalies épigénétiques dans la maladie de Huntington
at INCI, Strasbourg
Marine Simonneaux, doctorante de l'ITI NeuroStra / INCI CNRS
at INCI Strasbourg (click to dowload)
Matthieu Aguilera (LNCA) obtient le deuxième prix du jury
HaPpY is a european programme with one purpose: breaking the vicious cycle between pain and mood disorders. In...
EURIDOL offers 2 PhD scholarships for doctorates starting between October and December 2023