NeuroStra Scientific Day 2023

Plenary lecture
Thomas PRÉAT, Research Director (DRCE) at CNRS, laboratoire Plasticité du Cerveau, ESPCI Paris.
Presentation: Long-term memory formation in Drosophila depends on an astrocyte-to-neuron H2O2 signaling: a connection to Alzheimer's disease etiology?
Lectures by NeuroStra PIs recruited in 2021-2022

Dr. Wenting GUO, young team leader recruited at CRBS-Inserm U1118 on the NeuroStra "Young Group Leader 2022" project call.
Presentation: Finding a cure for C9orf72 ALS-FTD: From CRISPR/Cas9 screen to multi-model validations

Dr. Émeline TANGUY, Maître de Conférences IUT Louis Pasteur / INCI UPR 3212
Presentation: Deciphering the multiple functions of phospholipid species in neurosecretion

Dr Éléna CHABRAN, Maître de Conférences Faculté de Médecine, Maïeutique et Sciences de la Santé / laboratoire ICube équipe IMIS
Présentation: Transcranial photobiomodulation in prodromal DLB patients: a placebo-controlled clinical trial

Dr. Charlotte CANTELOUP, CRCN CNRS, Centre de Primatologie, LNCA UMR 7364
Presentation: Investigating primate social cognition in the wild

Presentation: Decoding activity patterns across pyramidal cell dendritic trees in vivo using 3D arboreal scanning

Blitz lectures by doctoral students and post-doctoral fellows
Our young researchers, PhD students and post-doctoral fellows, will present their work during the scientific blitz sessions. Beyond the importance of presenting their results to a large audience, it is also a possibility to win a prize for the best two performances.
- Matthieu AGUILERA, PhD student, LNCA: Rhythmic sensory stimulation to restore brain dynamics and boost memory in a new mouse model of early Alzheimer's disease
- Alana ARROUET, PhD student, U1114/CERVO: Highway to temporal prediction: using motricity to unravel its secret
- Melaine BALCON, PhD student, CAMB: Optical control of PIEZO1 channels
- Yasmine BRIK, PhD student, INCI: Consequences of neonatal maternal separation on the development of sensorimotor function and pain sensation: a comparison between Wistar and Sprague Dawley rat
- Baptiste BRULÉ, PhD student, LNCA: Accelerated epigenetic aging involves polycomb group proteins in Huntington’s disease
- Laetitia DEGIOGIS, Postdoc, ICube: Brain functional remodeling and alcohol vulnerability in GPR88 KO mice
- Wilf GARDNER, Postdoc, INCI: A central role for the mPFC molecular clock in the development and treatment of mood disorders
- Volodya HOVHANNISYAN, PhD student, INCI: Increased morphine degradation by reactive astrocytes through AhR reduces its anti-allodynic effect in a mouse model of neuropathic pain
- Élodie PANZER, PhD student, LNCA: Projections from the medial prefrontal cortex to the ventral midline thalamus are necessary for cognitive flexibility in rats
- Marion SCHOTT, PhD student, INCI : Mechanistic study of the tail of the Ventral Tegmental Area (tVTA) and its role in acquired helplessness in rodent models
Poster session
Any participant is welcome to present a scientific poster. A contest will reward the best one.

Registration, venue
Forum of the Medicine faculty
4 rue Kirchleger, Strasbourg
Mandatory registration
If you wish to participate in NeuroStra scientific day, please register on the following form before November 20th:
Organisation committee
Luc Dupuis, Raphaelle Cassel, Emmanuel Darcq, Baptiste Brulé, Laurent Nexon
Laurent Nexon, nexon[at]