We are pleased to present to you the new Doctoneuro pole: BEE Student well being (okay... the acronyme only works in French)!
The aim of this pole is to create a contact for students (PhD and masters) to discuss potential problems they might have encountered during their time in the lab or during the master.
The idea is to have a link between students and researchers to improve everyone's condition in the lab.
To do so, an email address has been created so that students can anonymously discuss with the representative.
The address is bee.doctoneuro@gmail.com
To respect the anonymity, only the representative, the president and first VP will have access to this address.
Thus, please do not hesitate to send an email to discuss existing or potential problems, or to make appointment to discuss about it more freely.
Finally, we will use this address to send surveys that will serve to have information on how students feel and identified potential recurrent problems in order to find solutions.
Representative of the pole BEE