Scientific animation

Future event
13 March 2025
19h30 23h

Movie Debate

You are invited to our very first Movie Debate on March 13th 2025 in Cinema Vox.

The film 'The Father' by Florian Zeller will be screen in it's original language (english) with french subtitles and followed by a discussion about memory and dementia.

We are honored to welcome three experts on the subject :

  • Prof. Frédéric Blanc, Neurologist, Head of the Neurology and Geriatrc Assessment Department, and Co-Head of the 'Memory ans Research Ressource Center' at Strasbourg University Hospital.
  • Prof. Olivier Deprés, University professor in Neuropsychology at the University of Strasbourg ans researcher at the Laboratory of Cognitives and Adaptatives Neurosciences.
  • Dr. Romain Goutagny, CNRS Researcher at the Laboratory of Cognitives and Adaptatives Neurosciences.
You can buy your ticket directly on the  cinema Vox website

We hope to see many of you there!

Past Events

Neurotech seminars  Neurocience techniques and good vibes

Created in 2014 to share technical knowledge and expertise in a friendly atmosphere, the Neurotech event succeeds in bringing together not only our neuroscientific community but also a broader community of biology students. The aim is to know which technique is the most appropriate to explore a specific scientific question and to be meet a permanent contact who masters this technique.

With 3 presentations of 10 min, each completed by a 10 min discussion, this event is supposed to be informal with drinks and food, providing a warm atmosphere.

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Poster Presentations  Experience exchange and scientific discussions

Historically set up during the BacktoSchool event, to present to new students the plenty of research that occurs on neuroscience in Strasbourg, in 2023 we dedicated a full event to the poster presentations.

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NeuroFrance 2021

After the success of the 2019 edition, the next NeuroFrance meeting will take place at Strasbourg’s congress center in May 2021.

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Federative Day for Neuroscience in Strasbourg

On April 20th 2018, science brought us together at the MISHA where students and expert speakers presented their work. The behaviour of rodents, dissection of neural circuits, mitochondrial function and regulation of inflammation by microRNA: this day showed the abundance and extent of our field.

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Brain Awareness Week

Brain Awareness Week is an international event, organized simultaneously in nearly 100 countries and more than 30 cities in France. Its aim is to raise awareness among the general public of the importance of brain research. It has been organized every year in March since 1999 by the Société des Neurosciences.

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