Join us for the Neurotechs, where students and young researchers meet to present and discuss the techniques they use, all in a relaxed and friendly (and virtual) environment.
The Neurotechs will be held on Zoom, on Thursday May 6th, at 7:30pm!
Meeting ID: 818 0070 7431 Code secret: 051823
This session, we are welcoming post-docs who got their PhD in Strasbourg :
- Victor Mathis (NYC),
- Thibaut Burg (Louvain)
- Dhanasak Dhanasobhon (Paris)
They will talk to us about one of the techniques they use in their projects.
These presentations will be followed by a game night, so make sure to join our discord beforehand (button below) to be able to chat with everyone while playing.
Find the Facebook event here :
See you then !