Dylan ZINCK  Pedagogy Ambassador

English version / French version

Your name / Ton nom:

Your position in Doctoneuro / Ton poste à Doctoneuro:
VP pedagogie 

Your education / Ton parcours scolaire:
After highschool I passed through one year of PACES and one of chemistry only to discover that I prefer  biology. So I did a Bachelor in cell biology and organism physiology biology to then go into the Neurosciences master.

What you're currently doing / Ce que tu fais actuellement:
I am currently in neuroscience master’s second year and I am part of the NeuroDegen program and I do my internship at INCI institut of integrative and cellular neurosciences on membrane contact size and exocytosis

What brought you to do that / Ce qui t’as amené à faire ça:
I always loved sciences and biology particularly, I love to understand how small pieces such as molecules can be of major importance for the global functioning of a cell, an organ or even a whole organism

J’ai toujours aimé les sciences et la biologie en particulier j’aime comprendre comment de petites pièces comme les molécules peuvent être importantes pour le fonctionnement plus global d’une cellule, d’un organe ou même d’un organisme et comment comprendre ces mécanismes peut permettre  d’aider des hommes et des femmes qui sont malades.

What you'd like to do after that / Ce que tu veux-penses faire après:
I’d like to find a PhD and then a post-doc maybe in the field of neurodegenerative disease 

What brought you to invest yourself in Doctoneuro / Ce qui t’a amené à t’investir dans Doctoneuro:
I like the different events in which the association is involved 

What are your projects-objectives for Doctoneuro / Tes projets-objectifs dans Doctoneuro:
I would like to share my curiosity with other and show them how much sciences and in particular neurosciences are interesting

What’s your favorite show to recommend / Quelle est ta série préférée à recommander?
Tough one but I’d say psych or elementary for their unorthodox first character .

Your eco-friendly tip for a better future / Ton astuce écolo pour un futur meilleur
I’d say going by foot or bike to approximately any place in town.