Guillaume VANOTTI 2018-20 Secretary

Here is Guillaume Vanotti’s interview !
- Name: Guillaume Vanotti
- Your position in the association Doctoneuro: general secretary
- Your academic path :
– 2013 Scientific baccalauréate with honors at the Lycée Julie Daubié in ROMBAS
Option and speciality: Life and Earth Sciences
– 2013-15 DUT (University and Technology Diploma) biology and health with honors at the IUT Nancy-Brabois inVANDOEUVRE-LES-NANCY
Speciality: Biological and Biochemical analysis
– 2015-16 Licence 3 of Life Sciences at the Faculté des Sciences de la Vie in STRASBOURG
Path: Cellular biology and physiology of organisms
– 2016-18 Neuroscience master with honors at the Life Science Faculty in STRASBOURG
Path: Cognitive neuroscience (NCO)
- What are you are currently doing ?
Since 2018, I am doing a PhD in neuroscience at the INCI (Institute of cellular and integrated neuroscience CNRS UPR 3223. I am enrolled at the Doctoral school of Life Sciences ED414 in Strasbourg.
I’m studying the impact of chronic jetlag on the sleep-wake cycle (caused by school or work hours for example) on physiology and behavior.
- What brought you here, in biology and more specifically neuroscience?
Like a lot of people, I grew up watching TV shows like « C’est pas sorcier » («It’s not witchcraft»), «Il était une fois la vie» («Once upon a time, there was life»), the Planet Channel. I quickly understood that I wanted to be a scientist. I liked biology a lot and I wanted to know more about the human body, so I decided to do a DUT (University and Technology Diploma) in Biology and Health. Always with a view on understanding more about human physiology, I integrated the 3rd year of licence (undergraduate degree) in Strasbourg, than a masters’, then a PhD in neuroscience to learn more, but also to actively participate in the research effort in the field.
- What do you want to do later and why?
I’m giving myself the PhD to try and make my own opinion about research. I’m interested in research for the moment, but the PhD opens quite a few doors that could also interest me.
- What brought you to invest yourself in Doctoneuro?
I discovered the association with the Theatre Porject. The board at the time had proposed that M1s organize the future M1s first day. It was my first assocative experience and I really like it, learning to manage events. The association was looking for someone to take over the communication front and it was the opportunity for me to invest myself and developp skills as communication vice-president, then as secretary, skills that can be useful in my professionnal and personnal life.
- What are your projects, your goals as a board member of Doctoneuro?
I don’t have specific goals, except making sure that each pole of activity can function properly. I take care of the adhesion lists, the paper archives, I facilitate access to online documents, I write down all discussions and decisions. My job also consists of heliping out, if it’s needed.
- Any last words or advice you would like to give Master students joining the community, or other PhD students?
If I have any advice to give to M1s: arriving in the master’s program is hard, but the first semester doesn’t adequately represent the 2 years. You have 3 other semesters to flourish in neuroscience, and each at your own rythm.