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Neuropôle - A fancy website Pay it a visit!

This website is for the neuroscience community of Strasbourg. It features many informations related to the life of this community: announcements, news, important deadlines, congresses, laboratory life, newsletters...

So make it live by sending informations at

The Neuropôle? What's that?

Short presentation of the Neuroscience federation of Strasbourg.


This section will feature the neuroscientific events in the vicinity: congresses, conferences, workshops, training, deadlines, outreach... anything which has a beginning and an end.


Important scientific news of the community: articles, publications, discoveries, announcements...


All the job opportunities in the vicinity: PhD and post-doc positions, real jobs...

CommunityThe Neuropôle newsletter

Many detailed news covering several months in the Neuroscience planet: people, spicy stories, gossip...

Doctoneuro Their website!

The community of the Neuroscience students have also a brand new website, have a look.