Focus on glial cells: New gene therapy approaches for retinal diseases

Future event

Conference by Prof. Dr. Antje GROSCHE, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München

Department of Physiological Genomics - BioMedical Center – BMC

19 September 2024
10h30 12h
Institut des Neurosciences Cellulaires et Integratives, 8 allée Général Rouvillois, Strasbourg

“Focus on glial cells: New gene therapy approaches for retinal diseases”

Our research aims to explore the intricate interactions between Müller cells, microglia and neurons in both healthy and diseased retinas. We are particularly interested in understanding the effects of AAV-vectored gene therapies targeting these interactions, in particular the coordination of the retinal immune response, for example by modulating retinal complement homeostasis or glucocorticoid receptor signaling. We demonstrate that our approach of delivering therapeutic gene expression to Müller cells can improve disease progression in models of diabetic retinopathy or ischemic stress, independent of the underlying cause of the disease, and thus may benefit patients who are not candidates for currently available treatment strategies, since most, if not all, retinal diseases involve Müller cell gliosis and inflammatory processes that potentially accelerate neuronal dysfunction.

September 19th 2024 at 10:30am
Institut des Neurosciences Cellulaires et Integratives; Salle de Seminaire
8, allée Général Rouvillois á Strasbourg

Frank W. Pfrieger, INCI

Supported by BayFrance

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