Louise VIAL Communication Ambassador 2018-19

Hello hello ! We’re continuing with our board members presentations and today’s will be Louise Vial a.k.a “Loulou”, our communications vice-president! It’s also thanks to her that you can proudly wear your neuroscience sweatshirts. So thank you Loulouuuuu !
After getting her bac in Nimes, Louise came directly to Strasbourg for the undergraduate program in Life Sciences. She’s currently in the 2nd year of the master’s in neuroscience, working at the INCI in the “nociceptive signalling in the spinal cord” team for her M2 internship. “I’m working on astrocytes (the best cells in the CNS) and the role they could play in the plasticity of spinal inhibition. Yeah, yeah I know, it’s awesome.” We’re going to have to monitor those working on astrocytes before they found a “gliology” sect, let’s be careful !
It’s during the TPE (a project in the second year of high school) that Louise discovered neuroscience “my project was on the short term effects of caffeine on the brain. I really liked it and since things were going well in my biology class, I decided to continue with the undergraduate degree in biology. And I continued to really like it, so I didn’t ask myself too many questions. For the master’s, I hesitated between immunology and neuroscience, but after speaking with students from both master’s, I made my choice. And no regrets, I still love it.”
After her master’s, Louise would like to continue with a thesis on the project she’s working on now, and if not, maybe go abroad for her PhD. One thing is for sure, she wants to work in research.
It’s by helping with organizing the M1’s first day last september that Louise discovered Doctoneuro. “ I really liked it (and I hope the M1s too). For the general assembly in November, I ran as communications and network vice president with Lea Dudu, to discover the associative world (that I didn’t know at all) and share the responsabilities so that it wouldn’t be too much work. And the board is so cool, I’m learning so much.”
Her main goal in the communications pole is that the whole community knows of the different projects, parties, activities. “We’re in charge of the association’s image and we want that image to reflect how dynamic our board is”.
Her last words : “Don’t hesitate to contact us with questions or propositions, we’re here for you.”