Léa DUDENHOEFFER Social Networks Ambassador 2018-19

Hello neuros !
Today, we’ll be presenting our networks vice president, Lea Dudenhoeffer a.k.a Lea Dudu.
After getting her bac in 2014 in Haguenau, Lea came to Strasbourg for the bachelor program in life sciences at the University of Strasbourg, after which she integrated the neuroscience master’s.
She’s currently in her M2 internship, at the INCI with Yalcin Ipek and Becker Lea (a.k.a tac) : “I’m working on the habenula laterale and the role it could play in neuropathic pain-induced depression. Small but interesting structure and very hard to target specifically. I never thought something so small could stress me out so much!” Don’t forget to breathe Lea, and remember that you’re 100 times too…
When asked about her pathway choice, Lea talks about how she hesitated between STAPS and biology : “STAPS because it combines 2 things I love : sports and biology, understanding how the body works especially during physical activity, and all of this while doing sports! But when I learned more about it, I realized that it wasn’t in STAPS that I was going to manage this. So, I signed up at the life sciences faculty and I never regretted it! At the end of the bachelor, choosing the master’s was hard, since I liked all the fields related to life sciences, a part from plant biology (sorry plants, even if you’re beautiful). I finally chose the field that intrigued (and still does) me the most : Neuroscience! And I have no regrets at all! This field is so interesting, there’s so much to learn!
Concerning the after master, Lea would like to continue with a PhD on her current project. Or maybe go abroad. “We don’t know what tomorrow is made of, and maybe I’ll create a new concept for a tea saloon with pastries in the shape of brains, all of that with seminars! (This is a project already discussed with a few of my promotion colleagues ahah)”. Well, who said we couldn’t meet the right people for our future careers in the master’s.
This isn’t the first association that Lea participates in (*wink* JCEVL) so investing herself in Doctoneuro came naturally. “Discovering Doctoneuro and the ambiance there was, I wanted to be a part of it. With Louise, we started organizing the first day for the M1, and our dynamic duo clicked right away. So we naturally presented ourselves as the communications vice presidents”.
Her objectives for the association : “Try to communicate the life of the association as best we can. To make you want to participate in the events.” And it’s in big part thanks to her that we have these weekly board member presentations, so thanks Leeeaaaanh!
Her last words : “Listen to your hearts and what you love to make your choices, take pleasure (even if it’s not always easy) in what you do and go all the way in your projects. And if you have questions, come to our events so you can meet people further along than you, and you’ll see we’re all in the same boat.”
Have a great sunday neuros, we’ll post the whole version of this interview soon on our website.