Clarisse QUIGNON Cohesion Ambassador 2018-19

Hello, today we’ll be presenting Clarisse Quignon, our Cohesion vice-president. Yes indeed, it’s thanks to her that we have fun at our parties !
After a first year of preparation for the engineering entry exam, a second year in biochemestry in Nantes and a third year in Quebec, Clarisse integrated the neuroscience master’s program in Strasbourg.
She’s currently in her second year of PhD, at the INCI, under the direction of Valérie Simmoneaux, where she’s studying the effects of seasons on the reproductions’s hypothalamo-hypophyso-gona dic axis.
When we asked her why this interests her, she answered : “I really wanted to sterilize hamsters… xD. I love neuroscience, but also everything that’s related to the reproduction axis (when I’m asked, I like to answer that I’m studying animal reproduction, it tends to make males uncomfortable). I did my master’s internship in the team where I am now, studying a thematic that links neuroscience and reproduction, with a hint of chronobiology, which is a cocktail that suits me perfectly. Since the internship went so well, I decided to stay for the thesis.”
After her PhD, Clarisse would like to continue with a post-doc, but she’s giving herself time to be sure “I think it will depend a lot on how the above-mentioned PhD goes, I’ve seen quite a few PhD students lose their passion during the 3-4 years. I’m keeping, as a plan B, to try for the aggregation, to teach at University”.
She was part of the theatre group when Doctoneuro went from a collective to an association and directly invested herself in the cohesion and animations poles, because she loves organizing (and participating) in parties and social events, that bring people together !
Only one project for Clarisse this year “always more fiestaaaaa” We’re on board !!
Her last words : “Better to have remorse than regrets : Patrick Bruel, Bigflo et Oli, Oscar Wilde. Are you hesitating ? Go ahead, there will be time to back out, don’t regret anything. This goes for everything of course, but sometimes in neuro, we just need a little boost of motivation to take a step forwards”.